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Committees Policy 111.03
Johnson County Community College
Series: 100 Board of Trustees
Section: Organization of the Board

Applicability: This Policy applies to the Johnson County Community College (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) Board of Trustees (the “Board”).

Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to set out the Board committee structure.


In order to facilitate the effective accomplishment of its business, the Board utilizes both standing and ad hoc committees. The committee system is not intended to supersede the primary responsibilities and leadership roles of the President and administration. Trustees assigned to each committee are expected to attend all regularly scheduled committee meetings absent exigent circumstances.

1. Ad hoc committees
The Board may establish such ad hoc committees as it deems necessary. A nominating committee for the purpose of nominating Board members to serve as officers, committee chairs, and committee members, and liaisons to College-related departments or external organizations will be appointed on a temporary basis each year by the Chair, subject to the approval of a majority of the Board.

2. Committee of the Whole
When utilized at the discretion of the Board, a committee of whole, consisting of all trustees, may consider any or a combination of issues listed under “Standing committees.” No binding action shall be taken at a Committee of the Whole meeting. Agendas and meeting packets shall be posted in a similar form and availability as regular Board meetings and minutes shall be taken and published.

3. Standing committees
The Board may establish standing committees, in consultation with the President, as necessary to effectively conduct the business of the Board and the College. Such committees will meet regularly at standing dates and times to be established by the committees. Standing committees will receive information and reports, monitor certain compliance obligations, review statuses/progress of pending initiatives and preview proposed policies and actions that will be recommended by administration to the Board related to the areas of review as provided in each committee’s working agenda. Standing committees do not have independent authority to act on behalf of the Board and shall be evaluated by the Board regularly. Any changes to standing committees shall be made by a majority Board vote at or before the last regular meeting prior to the annual Organizational Meeting, with such changes to become effective following the Organizational meeting. The Standing Committees are as follows:

A. Student Success: The committee will review matters related to instructional affairs and student engagement (including matters affecting academics, equitable student access and success, learning engagement, learning outcomes, curricular changes; and faculty and student development, ); accreditation and related initiatives; workforce development/continuing education; and, Kansas Board of Regents requirements (including Performance Indicators that relate to curriculum, academic quality, achievement of academic outcomes, and promote student learning).
B. Management & Finance: The committee will review matters related to finance and administrative operations (including matters affecting budgeting, insurance, investments, facilities, purchasing, capital improvements, information services, technology, safety and security, but excluding personnel matters). The committee will monitor the financial performance of the College and the strategic direction of the Foundation to ensure alignment with the College's strategic priorities.
C. Employee Engagement & Development: The committee will review general personnel matters (including matters affecting compensation, employment services, benefits, employee relations, training and organizational development, organizational structure and succession planning). This committee will not consider personnel issues specific to an individual employee.
D. Board Governance: The committee will review Board policies (100 series) and the performance review process for the President. Additionally, the committee will oversee a Board development, new Trustee onboarding, and the Board self-evaluation processes on an annual basis to ensure a high-performing Board.
E. Audit (internal and external audit functions of the college): The committee will have oversight of and receive reports from 赌钱app可以微信提现’s Internal Auditing functions. The committee will review reports and other information arising from the college’s confidential reporting line. The committee will have ownership and oversight of the relationship with the external, independent auditors and will receive the annual audited financial statements of the independent auditor and recommend acceptance of the audited financial statements to the Board of Trustees. The Board Chair and Vice Chair will serve on this committee.

4. Committee Chairs and Members
The Board committees will consist of at least two Board members, one of whom is to act as committee chair, and an administrator appointed by the College President. The membership of Board Committees may be expanded to include other Trustees, employees and/or students at the discretion of the Board Chair and the President.

5. Working Agendas
Each committee will have a working agenda that is approved annually by the Board and subject to change as determined necessary by the committee.

Date of Adoption:
Revised: 01/28/1993, 05/26/1993, 08/10/1995, 09/15/2005, 09/21/2006, 01/18/2007, 09/18/2008, 11/18/2010, 08/16/2012, 11/17/2016, 01/18/2018, 11/17/2022, 11/16/2023